a) Chemical Properties
# IP CHELATE-D40 is stable even to the heating at 200 C of long duration.

# The features of IP CHELATE-D40 is that it reacts with ferric ions in alkaline solutions, and besides, this compound is stabler than the complex of EDTA in neutral solutions.

# In the presence of only 0.25 mg/liter Copper ions, the hydrogen peroxide solution is completely decomposed. As IP CHELATE-D40 possesses the strong power of chelation on Fe3+ and Cut, it is used for stabilizing peroxide bleaching baths and perborates. Moreover, when bleaching is carried out under alkaline conditions, IP CHELATE-D40 gives much more excellent effects than EDTA.


1) For High pressure washer
IP CHELATE D-40 prevents broken out scale during treating in high pressure washer.
NaOH 1 g/lit.
IP CHELATE D-40 0.3 g/lit.
120°c x 20 mins.

2) For scouring
IP CHELATE D-40 prevents out-breake of scale and can replace for Sodium Tripolyphosfate which is used at scouring.
NaOH 2 g/lít.
Scouring agent 2 q/lit.
IP CHELATE D-40 0.3 g/lit.
80-90°c xl mins.

3) Good removability of thickener for printed fabrics.
IP CHELATE D-40 gives good removability of thickener soaping after printing.
NaOH 2 g/lit.
Sodium Hydrosulfite 2 g/lit.
80-90°C x 1 mins.
Soaping agent 1 g/lit.
IP CHELATE D-40 0.5-1 g/lit.

4) Prevention of degradation caused by alkaline peeling on polyester.
IP CHELATE D-40 can prevent degradation of weight reduced polyester fabrics which has been treated with caustic soda.
NaOH 1-2 g/lit.
Scouring agent 1-2 g/lit.
IP CHELATE D-40 0.5-1 g/lit.

5) Stabilizer for hydrogen peroxide bleaching
IP CHELATE D-40 gives good stability in hydrogen peroxide bleaching and prevents pin hole troubles of bleached fabrics.
H202 5 cc/lit.
NaOH 1 g/lit.
Sodium Silicate 1 g/lit.
IP CHELATE D-40 0.5g/lit.

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